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System- and Sensitivity Analysis

  • Systems and services increasingly became complex during the past few decades and  effect several areas by which they may be influenced themselves in return. Some of which are not complex only, but turn out to be complicated additionally.
  • Being permanently confronted with decision making situations, it is mandatory to gain a profound understanding of systems in their dependencies and interdependence.
  • Frederic Vesters Sensitivity Analysis has proven very useful in the process of decision making and system design as well. It has been chosen as methodological an tool-support for system analysis and design applications in general and the project scheme enclosed
The Journey is the Reward

We provide help and consultancy in decision-making situations where many questions are to be answered:

  • Which targets are to be pursued?
  • What is the appropriate overall strategy?
  • What will be the most constructive measures?
  • What will be the most efficient implementation design?
  • Will there be undesirable side effects and how are they to be avoided?


Approach and Methodology

Based on a long-term relationship with Frederic Vester and his team we repeatedly applied his way of  system analysis and modelling. The Sensitivity Analysis has proven very useful in the process of decision making and system design as well. It has been chosen as methodological an tool-support for system analysis and design applications in general and many project schemes accomplished.

Method and stepwise approach
Stepwise Approach
  • Step 1: System Description and Boundaries.
  • Step 2: Definition of System-Variable List.
  • Step 3: Cross-check
  • Step 4: Evaluation of the impact of all variables on
  • Step 5: Deduction and interpretation of a sensitivity map.
  • Step 6: Determination of an interconnection network,
  • Step 7: Description of scenarios
  • Step 8: Simulation runs
  • Step 9: Interpretation of simulation results. Deduction of measures.